Loving the craft when we tire of the writing
Friday, July 27, 2012 at 11:41AM
Brandon in Cynthia Herron, Inspiration, Writer... Interrupted, procrastination, writers block

A short feel-good piece from Writer... Interrupted:

Let’s face it, every writer everywhere has known his (her) fair share of tough times. The words won’t come, the story dries up, or we grow weary from the process.

It doesn’t mean we no longer love what we do. It does mean that we can still love the craft of writing, but be exhausted from effort expended. Especially when life happens.

Read the rest here!

Probably everyone suffers from this, but I especially have a hard time distinguishing between a bad writing day and my overall attitude about my writerly aspirations—if it truly is my passion, then I really ought to, like, enjoy it, right? Always?

Something this blog is teaching me is that you have to trust in the process. If you can't write, write about why you can't write. Whatever you have to do to keep the pen moving, even if the words are unusable. The story will come.

Article originally appeared on The Unwritten Word (http://www.unwrittenword.com/).
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